Basic Milling Technology and Hammer Mill Evolution

The use of industrial hammer mills is reducing particle size. The working principle of all the hammer mills is similar even after the diverse machine designs. Hammer mills can efficiently, shatter, pulverize, grind, or shred any waste material to the desired results. Let’s know more about hammer mill:

The evolution of hammer mills and technology

For example, consider cereals like wheat or minerals like salt that need to be ground into a fine powder throughout thousands of years. The hammer mill changed from a simple tool for crushing stone to an advanced machine utilized for material processing by many industries with the development of industrial milling over the previous two centuries.

The core components of hammer mills have not changed after numerous design iterations. On a revolving shaft, a variety of hammers are supported between rigid plates. The hammers, which can be mounted horizontally or vertically, freely swing around the shaft to crush the aggregate material that is fed into the pulverizing chamber from above. The material is then gradually crushed between the milling parts before gravitational force causes it to ultimately depart the pulverizing chamber at the bottom.

The raw material is reduced inside the grinding housing not only by the repetitive hammer strikes but also by the walls of the grinding chamber and the impact of a particle on the particle. Once the material has been shrunk to the desired size, it is discharged through specially crafted steel grates or metal screens. Gravity makes it simple for heavier and more freely flowing materials to leave the apparatus. Pneumatic suction is typically used to discharge lower-density materials. No material can leave the mill until it has gone through the openings in the steel grate or metal screen. Consistency and uniform particle size are therefore guaranteed.

The size of the housing, the rotor, the size of the hammers, the type of screen or grate, and the rotational speed are other variables in the design variation of hammer mills. For instance, a rotor’s greater RPMs will raise the hammers’ centrifugal force, which will increase the force of each strike on the material. The desired particle reduction of the raw material supplied into the housing is accomplished by a combination of the RPMs and energy released by centrifugal force.

Requirements for Hammer Mill Capacity

Any hammer mill application’s capacity requirements are related to the raw material being processed. The characteristics and physical makeup of the raw material weigh heavily on the size and type of machine that is required to process it, both literally and figuratively. High capacity and power efficiency are essential requirements for any machine in today’s current industrial hammer mill designs. For all industrial and food processing applications, however, obtaining uniform particle size is crucial. The advancement of screen technology has improved machine productivity and uniform end-product quality. Prater’s Full-Screen design technology, for instance, evenly distributes raw material across the whole screen surface for hammering and grinding without raising power requirements.

Customizing the hammer mill design for your application:

The design’s simplicity allows for customization in the processing of a wide variety of materials used by numerous industries. Hammer mills are used by the food, mineral, pulp & paper, chemical, and agricultural industries to process their products. The raw material can be efficiently reduced by hammer mills to the required sizes, from medium-sized particles to ultra-fine particles. Hammer mills are essential to industrial production, whether they are used to produce food pellets for livestock feed, sugar, spice, mineral granules, powders for pharmaceuticals, chemicals, meals, or flour.

The bottom line

The hammer mill, which is the most well-known and popular particle reduction tool, offers solutions for raw material processing. Hammer Mill Manufacturers at Ecostan build robust hammer mills and sell at very affordable rates.

What Is a Wood Log Chipper?

Before moving ahead in this article, first, you need to know about a wood chipper. A chipper is a large power machine that is used to greatly decrease the amount of waste material that you have in your yard. These are useful for landscapers and gardeners who live in such a region where it is prohibited to have the garbage and burn the waste material. The chips that are formed can be used for pathways, put in your flower beds, or make use of it as compost. Let’s read more about the wood log chipper:

Why Do You Need A Wood Chipper?

A long time ago, people simply burn off any yard remains in their backyard. These days, most people will line their restrictions with those brown paper lawn bags full of waste material for the debris man to pick up. However, you cannot do this in some places since it is banned. So, what do you do with the material in your yard like pruning debris, leaves and branches, and fallen limbs? That is where a leaf shredder chipper, a wood chipper, or even a tree grinder can assist you. These machines are perfect for turning the leftover clippings from your forsythia bushes and the pile of leaves into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Besides, you can line your pathways with costumed chipped wood that you can’t purchase at the garden store. With the help of this tool, you can turn this material and unused kitchen waste like fruits, vegetables, and eggshells, into compost. You can complete this in a very short time with minimal effort with one of these large machines. Some people think that wood chippers and wood shredders are similar but, they both are different from each other. Let’s read more:

Wood chipper functioning:

A wood chipper comes in several styles and sizes, but the operating function is the same. Initially, a piece of wood is put into a chute; break that organic material down into chips with the help of sharp blades that are inside the machine. The range of these chips is between 1 to 3 inches in length. The chips are prepared and transferred from the wood chipper machine into a bin or bag if that specific model comes with it. Unlike a shredder, it can chip up fresh and dry wood. The wood that you feed in the wood chipper machine will depend on the kind of blades inside and the size of the chipper.

Wood shredder functioning:

A wood shredder will appear like a small wood chipper but works similar to the wood shredder. They have a chute where you feed the material into the machine, and the waste comes out through another spot. There are several flails inside the machine. These semi-blunt blades break down the leaves, wood pieces, and other waste material into small pieces. Several modern shredders will provide you the option to select which size of the shredded pieces you can use. It is not going to have the ability to break down larger branches because a wood shredder utilizes blunt flails and a smaller engine. It means these machines are best suited for home gardeners and smaller yards. 

Final words

After reading the above-written points, all the questions related to wood log chipper must have cleared in your mind. However, there are other various machines in the market, which makes briquette using waste material. If you want to read about those machines, leave a comment in the comment section. In the future, we will publish more blogs and articles related to briquetting machines.