What Is a Wood Log Chipper?

Before moving ahead in this article, first, you need to know about a wood chipper. A chipper is a large power machine that is used to greatly decrease the amount of waste material that you have in your yard. These are useful for landscapers and gardeners who live in such a region where it is prohibited to have the garbage and burn the waste material. The chips that are formed can be used for pathways, put in your flower beds, or make use of it as compost. Let’s read more about the wood log chipper:

Why Do You Need A Wood Chipper?

A long time ago, people simply burn off any yard remains in their backyard. These days, most people will line their restrictions with those brown paper lawn bags full of waste material for the debris man to pick up. However, you cannot do this in some places since it is banned. So, what do you do with the material in your yard like pruning debris, leaves and branches, and fallen limbs? That is where a leaf shredder chipper, a wood chipper, or even a tree grinder can assist you. These machines are perfect for turning the leftover clippings from your forsythia bushes and the pile of leaves into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Besides, you can line your pathways with costumed chipped wood that you can’t purchase at the garden store. With the help of this tool, you can turn this material and unused kitchen waste like fruits, vegetables, and eggshells, into compost. You can complete this in a very short time with minimal effort with one of these large machines. Some people think that wood chippers and wood shredders are similar but, they both are different from each other. Let’s read more:

Wood chipper functioning:

A wood chipper comes in several styles and sizes, but the operating function is the same. Initially, a piece of wood is put into a chute; break that organic material down into chips with the help of sharp blades that are inside the machine. The range of these chips is between 1 to 3 inches in length. The chips are prepared and transferred from the wood chipper machine into a bin or bag if that specific model comes with it. Unlike a shredder, it can chip up fresh and dry wood. The wood that you feed in the wood chipper machine will depend on the kind of blades inside and the size of the chipper.

Wood shredder functioning:

A wood shredder will appear like a small wood chipper but works similar to the wood shredder. They have a chute where you feed the material into the machine, and the waste comes out through another spot. There are several flails inside the machine. These semi-blunt blades break down the leaves, wood pieces, and other waste material into small pieces. Several modern shredders will provide you the option to select which size of the shredded pieces you can use. It is not going to have the ability to break down larger branches because a wood shredder utilizes blunt flails and a smaller engine. It means these machines are best suited for home gardeners and smaller yards. 

Final words

After reading the above-written points, all the questions related to wood log chipper must have cleared in your mind. However, there are other various machines in the market, which makes briquette using waste material. If you want to read about those machines, leave a comment in the comment section. In the future, we will publish more blogs and articles related to briquetting machines. 

Micromax Combo: Robust Machine that Produces Sustainable Bio-Fuel Energy

Micromax combo is the powerful and durable machine that produces both biomass pellets and briquettes on-the-go without the need for any adhesive or binder. In comparison to other fuels, biomass fuel offers tons of benefits like more safety, fast profits, and much more. Also, there is no doubt that it’ll dominate all the other energy forms in the coming years. MMC machines offered by Ecostan are famous for affordability, durability, and high efficiency.

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Biomass Briquettes versus Biomass Pellets

Biomass pellets are cylindrical sticks made of organic biomass. Pellets made using agro biomass are usually used for animal feed. They are used usually in home pellet stoves, industrial boilers, central heating boilers, or in power plants.

On the other hand, biomass briquettes are the blocks that come in different shapes like cylindrical, cubical, etc. They usually have a large diameter and primarily used in industries for heating. Just note that the briquetting process is much more useful than pelletizing because organic biomass needs fewer preparations and also production can be decentralized well.

Furthermore, the by-product of briquetting can be reused onsite for energy instead of transporting them to another site or a landfill. This saves plenty of disposal and logistical costs. A briquetting press usually generates high pressure and high temperature than pellet mill. Also, this process generates natural glue that means no additives are required. Briquetting also uses minimal KWH per ton produced. It means that the total expenditure for creating briquettes is less than that of pellets.



Biomass material without any pelletizing or briquetting possesses low thermal value and high greenhouse gas emissions. But its compact form offers the following benefits:

1. Long Burning Time

The compaction process that briquettes or pellets undergo boosts the thermal value of biomass, and this makes them burn for a long time. In comparison to the firewood, they are 40 percent more efficient. Also, they make biomass use economical and simple.

2. Lower Harmful Pollutant Emission

Since the pellets or briquettes in biomass briquette press are made using natural materials like tree barks, rice husk, sawdust, cornstalks, etc., so it does not produces any smoke, soot or carbon deposits. It means they are clean burning and renewable fuel having high density and energy efficiency.

3. Low Industrial Waste

Rising industrial waste pose adverse environmental issues like soil contamination and groundwater contamination. But the use of biomass briquetting plant can turn that waste into recyclable and biodegradable briquettes.

4. Easy Storage

Due to the compact size, they are also easy to store and transport.

5. Lower Fossil Fuel Consumption

The use of traditional fossil fuel is the main reason behind increasing air pollution. Organic pellets or briquettes can acts as a great alternative to the cola and petroleum, thereby improving existing environmental conditions.


The majority of thermal power plants run on coal. Coal is used in these plants to heat burners. But the use of pellets or briquettes in these plants will not just lower operating cost but also help to lower carbon footprint in no time. In fact, the use of biomass briquettes is not just limited to heating purposes in solid fuel boilers, furnaces, or modern industrial plants. In fact, the use of wood pellets can be seen across entire North America and Europe, mainly in Northern Europe. In developing countries, they are used to replace conventional fuels like charcoal and firewood. They are also used in plenty of other fields too like Spinning Mills, Lamination Industries, Chemical Units, Leather industries, Dyeing Plants, Milk plants, Food Processing Industries, etc.


Going green is one of the great ways that will help to safeguard our planet for future generations. The use of biomass pellets or briquettes is one such step. Set up your own biomass briquette plant and use briquetting press machine to make a huge profit today.






Shop Portable Chipper Grinder Machines In India- EcoStan®

Searching out for the most trusted and reliable manufacturer and exporter of best quality Chipper Grinder machines in India? Then just link up with EcoStan® and get affordable machines. We have delivered many products in India and overseas.

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A Chipper Grinder machine crushed raw materials in massive amount and make equal size briquettes in one go.  These eco-friendly briquettes are the best replacement of black coal, and you can use it for cooking. Our firm customizes the briquettes size as per the customer requirement. Our Chipper Grinder machines use any type of raw materials like as biodegrade or agricultural in its wet or dry form. It includes Wood Logs, Tree barks, Tree Shrubs, Mustard stalks, Cotton Stalk and Peddy Straw, etc.

 Our Models include:

  1. a) CCG1 (300 Kg/hour)
  2. b) CCG2 (1,000 Kg/hour)
  3. c) CCG3 (2,000 Kg/hour)
  4. b) CCG4 (3,000 Kg/hour)
  5. e) CCG5 (5,000 Kg/hour)
  6. f) CCG6 (10,000 Kg/hour)

Our grinder machines are designed by our highly knowledgeable and talented engineers with latest technology, tools and according to set industry standards. We fulfill every demand of client and make them joyful.  Every Chipper Grinder has excellent features like as durability, affordability, low maintenance, use less electricity, and anti-jamming.

The best thing about our Heavy Duty Chipper Grinders is that you can even adjust its screen size as per your demand.  With many years of proficiency in this field, we have set an excellent benchmark by offering long-lasting grinder machines to every client. They have robust structure and give a maximum performance in less time. To ensure unmatched experience, we perform strict tests accurately on our every product we deliver to provide a check over few parameters. These machines have different power requirements, sizes, and production capacity. Just pick up your favorite model and order them right now.

Turn Yard Mulch Into Fuel With EcoStan® Chipper Grinders

As you know that ‘debris cleaning’ from the environment is a big business that needs right tools, and techniques to turn the scrap into an excellent, valuable product which is both environmentally-friendly and affordable. So, choose wisely, while selecting a company for this kind of business. EcoStan® is the top-notch manufacturer and exporter of high-quality chips all over the world. Chipper Grinder is a machine that grinds and chops raw materials in bulk to form renewable logs of the same size. We customize the size of chips depending upon the user requirement.

Our company is developing zero noise chipper grinders to transform any waste (yard or agricultural) speedily into manure. During this process, the chippers shred up the scrap into tiny chips and make them portable. And Wood Chipper Grinders are cut the wood tree trunks and turn them into small wood chips. Numerous industries use them to generate electricity, or you can use them in your home for the cooking. It

Further, helps to reduce the power bills. Overall, you are taking a powerful step towards sustainable living. Scrap like Wood Logs, Peddy Straw, Twigs, Branches, Cotton Stalk, and Tree Shrubs, etc. are used to create excellent quality chips for the customers. EcoStan® has gained profound benchmark of excellence over many years. We use the latest technology, tools, and techniques for the manufacturing of chips. Moreover, every model is simple to maintain, durable and incorporates anti-jamming feature in them. They are available in varied sizes along with unique power requirements and production capacity. The best thing that you will surely love is that you can easily control its screen and set the desired size for the process of making chips.

So, shop from our six great chipper grinders today. It includes CCG1 (300 Kilogram/hour), CCG2 (1,000 Kilogram/hour), CCG3 (2,000 Kilogram/hour), CCG4 (3,000 Kilogram/hour), CCG5 (5,000 Kilogram/hour), and CCG6 (10,000 Kilogram/hour). We also have ‘Disc grinders’ and ‘Drum grinders.’ In fact, we even boast hefty discounts on our models to make our clients happy.